Life at Launch Academy — Digital Marketing, Dogs, and Those Damn Stairs

Giselle Quon
2 min readDec 21, 2018
Launch Academy’s celebrity dog

As an intern at Launch Academy, I’ve learned that the entrepreneurial universe is full of surprises, opportunities, and many different challenges. Who would have thought that those insurmountable number of stairs leading to the third floor of #128 West Hastings could have encompassed a whole other world of tech professionals, mentors, and entrepreneurs?

Needless to say, getting to understand the company, my role, and being amongst a creative, hardworking, and inspiring community of people has been the experience any intern should look towards. Here are a few things I’ve observed at Launch Academy:

Tech is everywhere: it’s pretty obvious to me now that the technology sector will become (if it isn’t already) one of the strongest influencing factors in the job industry and economy. People from all kinds of places and backgrounds have ideas or products that you wouldn’t have even dreamt of — until you see it, and then you realize you need it.

The entrepreneurial life is harder than it looks: entrepreneurs need to work twice as hard for results. Hours fluctuate, the workload may be excessive, and you might be asking yourself — how do you they do it? I’m still trying to figure that out myself.

The community: online or offline, the Launch Academy team is motivating towards all their members, alumni, and partners. Launch Academy never fails to provide ample opportunism in refining pitches, establishing connections, and help create memorable stories that resonate with their members’ vision and audience.

Gastown food isn’t cheap. Pack a lunch when you can, but if you can’t:

  1. Fries at Donair Dude
  2. Fish Burrito at Tacofino
  3. Anything at Purebread

The people: there is always a friendly face. Whether you’re just looking to chat, work on a problem together, or share ideas and insights, the individuals make the community an encouraging work environment.

Traction Conference 2018

By the end of 2018, I would have worked here for eight months concurrently studying for my undergraduate degree. Although it’s been quite the roller coaster of tasks, people, and dogs — everyone at Launch Academy does indeed get sh!t done. Now, about this elevator idea…

Originally published at on December 21, 2018.



Giselle Quon

I am a creative individual with a passion for project management & B2B marketing. Happy to be documenting my journey on this platform!